The Starry Letter

Last Updated on : September 22nd, 2024

Subject : Invitation to participate in a completely decentralized mutual assistance movement

✦   The Starry Letter  

(to complete, modify and personalize)

Hi _____ !

___________________________ _ _ _

(* * *)

By the way, I’m sending you (enclosed) my volios, i.e. my concrete wish lists ; this is a new practice (see : The Fabric of Wishes) based on transparency, mutual aid and communication that optimizes collective intelligence and benevolence in our networks and, through the natural propagation of good ideas, in the networks of other people of good will, starry networks where we can weave, by connecting them ― or simply by exploring their paths ― a world that resembles us.

This practice, combined with the wishing circles, facilitating face-to-face encounters, and recognition booklets, which streamline exchanges within the community, has the potential to create nothing less than a simple local economic system resting entirely in our hands.


Communication is the key. Imagine ― if you sent out a letter similar to this one to your significant network, accompanied by your volios, i.e. your wish lists (a personal list, and one for each of your projects and businesses), imagine that the people you contact do the same . . .

(Note : for these volios, it’s best to use a universal format, such as .txt or .rtf, to ensure readability in all text editors).

So please keep my volios (enclosed), along with those of other participants ― if you feel like it, of course ― in a dedicated folder.

Matching wishes to put people in touch, we all do it already more or less « Ah !, I know someone you’d be interested in meeting ! » ― but how many opportunities for mutual aid and exchange are lost, neglected, simply because of a lack of communication ? ― And what would happen if we started, among ourselves, from network to network, to take communication, networking and our dreams themselves somewhat seriously ?

If the practice spreads, our friends’ wish lists ― and those of our friends’ friends ― will be raining into our inboxes, and we’ll be better able than ever to help each other and network effectively without relying on any platform other than the basic internet. Of course, this requires a bit of attention and effort of memory. For a start, organizing simple « wishing circles » where each person has a few minutes to tell the others about their needs and offers, their interests and their companies (which also have their needs and offers) ― that can make a big difference !  We’re also free to create or use local databases and research tools. The main aim of this newsletter is to get the information out there, and for us to take note of it.

And why not print out or handwrite these wish lists and keep them in volio binders, « wish books » (offers, requests and interests) ― which can be very handy to have on hand, not least on social occasions ?

The Fabric of Wishes offers a tool to help smooth exchanges and facilitate business start-ups : Recognition Booklets. These notebooks are designed to keep a decentralized accounting record of one’s « giving Vs. receiving » balance within the community, and thus to advantageously replace currency.

The fact that this means of exchange is associated with The Fabric of Wishes, a network of networks of people who are significant ― or who at least take the time to meet ― the fact that it is transparent and therefore cross-checkable by peers, the fact that it is an individual and objective tool that doesn’t depend on a central body or variable exchange rates ― all contribute to its reliability and therefore to the trust we’ll have in it ; two essential ingredients when it comes to transactions. The value of a currency lies essentially in the fact that it is recognized.

Money should be a measuring instrument
and its scarcity is artificially created nonsense.
Indeed, it would be absurd to run out of centimetres
to be able to make all the measurements we want to make
in the course of the day ― wouldn’t it ?

We can keep a booklet for ourselves and for each of our projects.
Full details on the booklet page, mentioned above.

✦ ✦ ✦

Apart from the costs of telecommunications, printing and perhaps the purchase of recognition booklets or a binder for our wish books, the ink for our pens . . . (!) ― this solution is entirely free !

But just think of the wealth
it can reveal and put into action
in our many interactions,
on both small and large scales !

Today, more than ever, we need to organize ourselves effectively to build and weave together the friendly, multicolored world we want. It’s not that complicated, really.

We just need to communicate intelligently what matters.

― Why don’t we get started ?



*. Your name here.

Every Saturday at 2 p.m.

In every park in every town ;
in every village, every hamlet

(weather permitting)

L'enseignement agricole accompagne les jeunes sur la voie de l ...

~ Wishing Cercles ~

~ The first Constellation will form,
this summer of 2024, in Montreal, Qc. ~

. . . where we listen, one by one, to each person‘s  :

and those of their projects

(and nothing else)

At the end of the round, we go talk to the people with whom
we have something to communicate.

These circles are intended to be a practical starting point
and, to that end, free of debate ; they can, however,
be the occasion to schedule other circles dedicated
to discuss specific issues.


(Note that this practice can prove useful in the event of telecommunication breakdowns ; it could even be a marvellous substitute for our beloved Internet and all its artificial intelligences, where we often cackle without doing anything to keep life alive. A kind of « Human Reset » capable of rebuilding everything on a human basis).

~ Types of Wishes ~

Needs (of any nature : social, psychological,
physical, etc.), desires (deep or superficial), offers (of goods, services, talents, expertise, materials, time, help, space, transportation, etc.), exchanges (in money, HOPs, barter, etc.), gifts, sharing (of experiences, interests, knowledge, etc.), lending and borrowing (of tools, books, etc.), businesses (description, offers, needs ; e.g. : finding partners, etc.), activities (sports, literature, fun, dance, etc.), tours, trips (recommendations, itinerary, regularity, capacity to transport, search for means of transport), location (coordinates, radius of action), schedule, availability (for which specific activities or types of activity : physical, intellectual, etc.), languages ​​(spoken, written, capacity to translate) . . .

Concrete examples,
services at hand

✦ ~ ~ ~ ✦

  • collection and refurbishment of furniture, dishes (. . .) left on the sidewalk or at the entrance to alleys (watch out for bedbugs !)
• meal preparation, collective kitchen . . .
• delivery, courier service :
– • by bike, on foot (. . .)
• gardening, watering, composting . . .
• DIY, renovations, carpentry . . .
• access to tools, workshops :
– • cabinetmaking, mechanics, tinkering . . .
– • programming, electronics . . .
• libraries, record collections . . .
• discussion circles, game nights . . .
• dishwashing, cleaning, babysitting . . .
• printing, publishing, writing . . .
• drawing, singing, sculpture . . . all the arts !
• et cætera
• . . .

VOLIOS Directory

La Fontaine’s Constellation

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