Your Volios

~ Your Volios ~

portfolios of your desires

The communicational age is long overdue !

But, in a properly communicational world,
we don’t ask or tell each other
where you come from and what you‘ve done
― or not

but where we go, what we’re doing already
and what we’re dreaming of doing !

Isn’t it also much more interesting . . .

. . . for *all* parties ?

Curriculum volonté : another name for the volio.

And even if you stay here
and develop, establish
or put your dreams and ambitions into action,
whether you need teams, materials, premises . . .

~ there’s the volio for that ~
your concrete wish list

Whether you want to offer your services,
or receive a helping hand,
or announce your fields of interest . . .

To publicize your achievements,
your products, your book, your idea, your service,
describe them, perhaps illustrate them,
give a foretaste . . .

Vitrine vintage (aquarelle) - Puzzle Factory

~ there’s the volio for that ~


What you’re interested in and passionate about,
if you want to share that passion,
form a book or astronomy club,
or develop a board game with others,
or take a trip, or start a community . . .

. . . there’s the volio for that ! 🙂

Do you have a message to pass on ?
Questions to ask the community ?
Talents to bring to fruition ?
Tools or books to lend ?
A library or a lounge to make available ?
A vehicle, itineraries, availability ?
Preferred activities that require partners ?

✦ ✧ ✦ ✧

Think, for all this,
about a new practice,
voluntary and free,
on an inter-individual basis,
that we could call
curriculum volonté
but also, more conveniently
volio – from Latin : I want.

A communication practice originally promoted by a
completely decentralized
mutual assistance movement

The Fabric of Wishes

Create your own volio ― it’s easy !

The Starry Letter

. . . Because, while we wait for the wiki
― and even when it’s there ―,
we can always send them to each other
and distribute them, let people see them,
these beautiful volios !


See the current VOLIOS


of La Fontaine’s Constellation


So we’ll soon be able to post them here too,
on La Tramice(.net)
. . . in a wiki that we can weave together.

Then, in its own time,
if that time comes ―
make use of a
authentic wish machine
to help us match our wishes !

Certain wishes, certain volios
will be satisfied locally;
others will need to travel further.

Of course, we can pass these willful beings on to others !

* * *

Collecting them, too, in binders,
of a less dumb era,
(not one that crushes us and plunders our treasures)
an era that kicks us off ― at last !
― and gives us some zest !

Let’s start with the basics :
our needs, our situations,
our deepest desires in life ;
our own, those of all beings
― and weave together
the world
~ right side up ! ~

Editor Trammer for